Behen Hogi Teri, a film starring Rajkummar Rao and Shruti Haasan, is in legal trouble for allegedly hurting religious sentiments. Indian Express reports that producer Tony D’Souza and director Ajay Pannalal have been arrested, based on a complaint that the film’s first-look poster – featuring Rajkummar Rao as the god Shiva – offends religious sentiments.
“The first poster of the film where Rajkummar Rao has worn a Shiva look has been reported as hurting religious sentiments for a particular religious group. And now the producer and the director are arrested, they are not speaking up right now because they are worried that something wrong shouldn’t happen any further. They are yet to receive a bail,” a source has said.
Another report in TOI says that the producer and director filed for bail in a court in Jalandhar, and have been granted it. Nitin Upadhyaya, co-producer of the film, said, “We are under stress, but it’s part of the job. The director, Ajay K Pannalal, and my co-producer Tony D’Souza, are in Jalandhar. They had a court hearing for their bail at 4.30pm and have been granted bail. One of Jalandhar’s leading lawyers, Darshan Singh Dyal, has agreed to fight our case. Let’s see what happens next.”