One word that has been triggering fights in the Big Boss house is the ‘F’ word! Whenever Gayathri Raguram and Aarthi call Juliana ‘fake’, a fight is guaranteed ! In yesterday’s episode, Gayathri and Juliana sparred over the same word.
It was just another day in the Big Boss house until a discussion about Juliana’s professional goals started among Aarthi, Juliana and Gayathri. When Juliana said that she gave up nursing as she intended to become a VJ, Aarthi irked her by calling her ‘fake’; Gayathri Raguram also joined the chorus. Juliana burst into tears, looked at a camera in the house and shouted: “I want to leave this house now, I want to go home.”
There was more drama. Juliana continued to weep, lying on Ganesh Venkatram’s lap – the actor looked like he did not know what to do. The drama finally came to an end when Juliana and Aarthi admitted to their faults and apologised to house captain Gayathri.
“But one thing…No one should comment about me in this house,” Juliana said in a stern voice.