With lyricist Snehan’s tenure as captain at an end, the contestants in the house voted for their next captain. Gayathri Raguram won the most votes and is now the captain for this week.
The contestants were also asked to nominate two housemates for the elimination round coming up weekend. They took turns in the confessions room (a room where contestants talk to the big boss in private) and spoke in detail on their choices for the elimination round. Most mentioned Bharani and Kanja Karuppu during the talk, with several describing Bharani as “annoying” and Kanja Karuppu as “dangerous”.
Talking in the confession room, Oviya said, “Kanja Karuppu is very short tempered and I am very scared. Despite all our warnings to him to control his temper, he couldn’t. As he is a violent person, I nominate him for elimination.”