Kamal Haasan, host of Big Boss Tamil, refused to talk to the housemates during the weekend interaction last night. The actor said, “Your indiscipline in the house will continue when you go out for work. A producer or a director may have apprehensions to cast you in their films as you may walk out of their projects in the middle of the shoot. You all have agreed to terms and conditions and have come here. Why do you whine about it? Do you think I won’t know if you remove your mikes and gossip? What kind of behaviour is this? You guys want to work post this show or not?”
“Every week, I advised you all in a friendly manner. Nothing has worked as you all are repeating your mistakes. So, there is no point in talking to you all.”
Kamal Haasan then gestured for a ‘cut’ and walked out.
Though the housemates pleaded with Kamal to talk to them, he didn’t relent. He spoke to the new entrants in the house, instead.
Suja, Harish and Kajal interacted with Kamal in the confession room. Later, the new entrants posed some questions that were asked on Twitter by the audience, to other housemates.