Producer Nikhil Dwivedi, on the occasion of late icon Rajesh Khanna’s 79th birth anniversary on Wednesday, announced that he has acquired the rights to Gautam Chintamani’s bestselling book, Dark Star: The Loneliness Of Being Rajesh Khanna. The producer revealed that a biopic of the late star based on this book is in the works with director Farah Khan in consideration to helm the project.
Speaking about the project Dwivedi said, “Yes, I’ve acquired the rights to Gautam Chintamani’s book, Dark Star, and I’m in talks with Farah Khan to make the film. That’s all I can say for now. As and when any major development happens, I’ll be happy to share because I’m really very excited about bringing Rajesh Khanna’s story to the big screen.”
Khan, who might write the script along with Chintamani, said, “Yes I have read Gautam’s book and it’s very fascinating. It’s definitely an exciting story. We are in a conversation over this, but I cannot comment more.”
Talking to Times of India, Dwivedi further said, “I found the book very interesting and the thought of turning it into a film stayed with me all these years. There are varied aspects to Rajesh Khanna’s personality which have been captured well in the book. It perfectly encapsulates the man behind the most iconic star our country has seen.”
He went on to add, “There is so much intrigue attached to him. He had a regal personality. His career saw a dip, but he bounced right back. Not only did he step into it (the film business), but he also conquered it. At no point in his career did he lose that regal aura. The story of Rajesh Khanna’s life should have been told a long time ago.”
Khanna, who died of cancer in 2012 at the age of 69, rose to prominence with back-to-back blockbusters Aradhana and Do Raaste in 1969. He also starred in films like Bandhan, Kati Patang, Choti Bahu, Anand, and Amar Prem. He was posthumously awarded India’s third highest civilian honour Padma Bhushan in 2013 for his work in the entertainment industry.
Born Jatin Khanna, people in the industry used to call the actor by the name of Kaka. He married actor Dimple Kapadia in March 1973 and has two daughters, Twinkle Khanna and Rinke Khanna.