Bonamy, the upcoming Malayalam film directed by debutant Tony Sukumar, marks the production debut of actor Sinseer, who has appeared in films like Dam999 (2011) and Aickarakkonathe Bhishaguaranmaar (2018).
Speaking to Silverscreen India, Sinseer says that Bonamy is a French word that loosely translates to ‘dear friend’. “It is a children’s film featuring a puppy as the central character, along with two children named Anjali and Sidharth, aged eight and ten, respectively.”
Debutant director Tony Sukumar has previously worked as an associate under veteran filmmaker Murali Nair.
The first look poster of the film, produced under the Koyas Productions banner, was recently released by filmmaker Sohan Roy.
Briefly explaining the film’s storyline, Sinseer says, “Bonamy shows the journey of a stray puppy through the lives of two children. It’s about how a puppy becomes best friends with Anjali. Later, the puppy has to leave her and a young boy, Sidharth, finds this puppy. He manages to take care of it, but when his efforts to find the dog a home end in vain, the universe shows him a miracle, which marks the film’s heartwarming climax.”
The film’s editor Prince Philip has also written the script, based on a story by PC Kuttikrishnan.
Sinseer reveals that director Tony conducted training sessions for the child actors to teach them about facing the camera and other technicalities. “Our main aim was to capture the natural expression of the children throughout the film. So the director explained the scenes accordingly. The challenging aspect was getting the climax right. In fact, we shot the climax portion first.”
Bonamy was shot in Vagamon and Thiruvananthapuram and was wrapped in 2019. After a few delays, the film’s post-production was completed in 2020.
The film, which includes two songs composed by Reghupathi Pai, recently won an award in the Best Feature Fiction category at the Aryan International Children’s Film Festival.
Sinseer adds that Bonamy will be contesting in a few more upcoming film festivals, following which it will have a public release.