The trailer of Brij Mohan Amar Rahe, the Netflix original coming after the success of Lust Stories and Love Per Square Foot, was released earlier today. Directed by Nikhil Bhat and starring Arjun Mathur, Nidhi Singh and Sheetal Thakur, the film will start streaming on August 3.
The trailer begins with Brij Mohan’s (Arjun Mathur) voice-over proclaiming that life depended solely on two things – luck and fuck, thereby giving the viewer an impression that ‘luck’ will have an important part to play in the story. The visuals that follow cement this impression, showing Brij falling in and out of situations that have a lot of luck riding on them.
Brij, with already a wife, makes love to his mistress in his textile shop. Brij has loans to repay to banks. Brij’s smart talk helps prevent his car from being confiscated by the bank authorities.
It usually doesn’t end up well when a character that’s already neck deep in debt decides to borrow even more. And that’s exactly what Brij does – he borrows money from a private lender.
With a loan-shark at his throat, Brij now decides to fake his own death, obtain a new identity and elope with his mistress. Gradually, the question juxtaposed with the visuals begin to make sense: “What would you choose – debt or death?”
Having staged his death by setting a car ablaze and the assuming the name of Amar Sethi, Brij now has to take care of a cop that’s on his tail. The trailer now suggests a cat and mouse game between Amar and the police officer with both characters shown making out with women suggesting that the story has an air of personal nature.
Towards the end, the trailer shows Amar beating a woman, getting beaten up, sitting in a jail and culminates with him striking a blow to the police officer’s head in an open field.
With Arjun Mathur in the lead, the film also stars Nidhi Singh, Sheetal Thakur, Manav Vij, Sunny Hinduja, Vijayant Kohli and Yogendra Tikku.
Here’s the link to the trailer: