Actor Dhanush has been asked to apologise for endorsing a Tata Sky DTH advertisement by the Tamil Nadu Cable Operators’ General Welfare Association. In the advertisement, Dhanush promotes Tata Sky through the message that while cable operators charge a lump sum, consumers only need to pay Tata Sky on the days they watch television.
To condemn Dhanush’s involvement in the advertisement, the Tamil Nadu Cable Operators’ General Welfare Association recently met Nasser, president of the South Indian Film Artistes’ Association. G Dhamodharan, State general secretary of the Association, has asked Dhanush to apologise to the cable operators. The association and its members also threatened to hold a protest in front his residence if Dhanush didn’t apologise. Further, G Dhamodharan has also request a ban on the advertisement. In a statement, G Dhamodharan said he was hopeful that Nasser and the Council would take action against Dhanush for being a part of the promotional campaign.
Earlier this year, Dhanush had faced protests from youth-led organisations for excessive smoking scenes in his film Maari.