The CBI has taken over the investigation of the Rs. 500 crore online ponzi scam allegedly carried out by Ghaziabad-based Webwork Trade Links, and may approach Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who endorse the portal, for a clarification.
According to a PTI News report, Webwork Trade Links, promoted by Anurag Jain and Sandesh Verma, duped people using the two actors as brand ambassadors of the portal. Amit Jain, one of the victims, subsequently filed a complaint. In his complaint, he states that since the two actors were endorsing it, several people invested heavily in the company.
Amit Jain further claims that the company took Rs 1.72 lakh from him to join a scheme where people would be paid to click for advertisements for one year. A while later, the website stopped functioning and calls to the company went unanswered.
The CBI has now taken over the investigation from the State police, and will soon re-register the same FIR which was filed by the State police.
Khan and Siddiqui, who were sent emails by the CBI, have not yet responded.