Bollywood actress Celina Jaitly, who recently posed nude in a bathtub showing off her baby bump, was slut-shamed by trolls on social media. While the actress did expect haters to resort to name-calling and slut-shaming, she slammed them at the same time.
“What disturbed me was that even in today’s times, some people are driven by a misogynist ideology and are willing to intimidate a woman, even a pregnant woman. These trolls used a considerable amount of verbal violence along with intentions of sexual violence just because the picture did not meet the traditional and cultural expectations of a few self-proclaimed thekedars (custodians) of our society,” she writes in an open letter on entertainment site Miss Malini.
She further adds that such name-callings is somewhat normalised now, where many resort to even punish a woman by raping or assaulting them, reflecting how regressive the society.
But not someone would stay quiet on this matter, Celina highlights that no matter what, slut-shaming is downright terrible. “It’s not funny. It is dangerous, hurtful, disrespectful and harmful to women,” she adds.
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