Chiranjeevi and Brahmanandam have been slammed by late director Jandhyala’s wife, Annapurna. Reportedly, the actors talked about Jandhyala’s alleged issues with alcohol on a reality show. This did not go down well with Annapurna, who has asked the channel and the actors to give her an explanation.
She told DC, “Yes, I called Brahmanandam and told him that it was not right on his part to talk about my husband’s issues with alcohol, which is not true,” said Annapurna.
“My daughter saw the programme and the authorities from the TV channel sent me the clipping. I objected to Brahmanandam’s comment about my husband and so they promised to edit that part out,” she added.
Brahmanandam has apologised for his comments. But, Annapurna has not received any communication from Chiranjeevi yet. “He is the host and should avoid this kind of talk,” she said.
“Both Brahmanandam and Chiranjeevi are well educated and both are kind hearted. It is not good to talk such things about a person who is no more with us,” she said.