Common Man, the upcoming Tamil film written and directed by Sathya Siva, will star actor-director Sasikumar as a sound engineer.
The title teaser of the film was released on social media recently. Common Man is produced by TD Rajha and DR Sanjay Kumar under the Chendur Film International banner.
Speaking to Silverscreen India, Sathya Siva, who has previously helmed Kazhugu (2012) and its sequel Kazhugu 2 (2019), notes that his upcoming film will be about a common man as the title suggests. “Sasikumar, who usually is seen in rural characters, will be portraying the role of a sound engineer. Common Man is a suspense thriller whose story happens to be sound-related. The film is set against the backdrop of Chennai in contemporary times.”
“In Tamil, there is a saying sadhu mirandaal kaadu kollaathu (a soft person, when provoked, can create much havoc). The film is along with these lines,” he further says, adding that the script was written during the Covid-19 lockdown.
The film marks the first collaboration of the director with Sasikumar. Apart from the lead star, actors Hariprriya and Vikranth are also part of the cast as the female lead and the antagonist, respectively.
Common Man went on floors about 2-3 months ago and was recently wrapped up. Currently, the film is in the post-production stage. “The editing has been completed and the dubbing of Common Man is in progress,” says Sathya Siva.
The film’s cinematography and editing have been handled by Raja Bhattacharjee and Srikanth NB, respectively. The music is composed by Ghibran. However, the director reveals that there are no songs in Common Man. “The whole film will be carried forward with just sounds and background score,” he adds.
Sathya Siva tells us that the producers are planning for a February 2022 release in theatres.
Meanwhile, Sasikumar, who was last seen in Raajavamsam, also has the upcoming films, Pagaivanuku Arulvai and Kombu Vatcha Singamda, in the pipeline.