Producer Ramesh Babu has filed a complaint against director Selvaraghavan with the Tamil Nadu Producers Council, alleging that between 2005 and 2007, Selvaraghavan took an advance of Rs 2.66 crores from him under false pretenses. According to the complaint, the Nenjam Marappathillai director lulled Ramesh Babu into thinking that he would eventually make a film with him. Projects with Vijay (Kasimedu), Vikram, Vishal, and Dhanush were all floated, and eventually dropped.
TFPC president Kalaipuli S Thanu told Silverscreen that the matter is currently being reviewed. The council plans to mediate between the two parties and arrive at a compromise.
In the complaint, Ramesh says:
- For Kasimedu with Vijay, a gangster film on the lines of Pudhupettai, Selvaraghavan was paid Rs 50 Lakhs in 2005.
- Naan Sonnathum Mazhai Vandhucha from Mayakkam Enna was originally made for Sindubad, starring Vikram and Swathi Reddy. However, shooting stalled after 20 days. Rs 50 lakhs was paid to Selva for this film. Expenses incurred during the schedule in Ladakh proved to be high as well.
- A film with Dhanush and Andrea Jeremiah was planned with Ramji as the cinematographer. Selva was paid Rs 25 lakhs for this.
- Selva allegedly offered to direct Ramesh’s son Santhosh for a film titled Pei Ottum Nilayam in 2012. Selva reportedly asked for Rs 5 crore as salary for this project, which also never took off.
Ramesh further alleges that Selva had returned Rs 10 lakh through Kola Bhaskar. No further payments were made. When Ramesh tried to get in touch with Selva, he could not be reached.
In 2012, Selvaraghavan had approached the Madras High Court with a complaint against producer Salem Chandrasekharan. The producer alleged that Selva threatened to kill him, and that he had failed to return an advance amount he had taken for Kasimedu.
Selvaraghavan is currently working on a film with actor Santhanam.