Karthick Naren, the 22-year-old filmmaker who is now being pegged as a force to reckon with, owing to the success of his debut film Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru (D16), took to social media and announced his next film – Naragasooran.
Like his first film, the next project will also be an intense suspense drama, and he will begin shooting in a few months.
Released on 29 December last year, D16 stars actor Rahman in the lead and veteran Delhi Ganesh. Shot within a span of 28 days, the film opened to mostly positive reviews, with critics lauding the pacy narrative and storytelling.
Our Review: Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru Review – A Rapid Mystery Where Every Scene Counts
The film will reportedly be remade in Hindi and Telugu, with Bollywood actor Salman Khan expressing an interest towards the Hindi remake.