Actress Deepika Padukone has reportedly been approached to play badminton player and Olympic winner PV Sindhu in the sportswoman’s biopic to be made by Sonu Sood. According to a Mid-Day report, a source close to the actress said that she might get on board if the script appeals to her.
“It is natural to assume that she will be approached to play the part because she is familiar with the sport. Having said that, Deepika is fully invested in Padmavati now. If the part is offered to her and she likes the script and director, and has the time for it, she will surely give her nod. Sonu and she know each other from the time they worked in Happy New Year (2014),” said the source.
Actor Sonu Sood had recently announced a biopic on PV Sindhu. The actor said that he had researched thoroughly before approaching Sindhu about the biopic. When asked whom she would like to cast in the film, the sportswoman said that she would like to play herself in the film.
Titled Sindhu, the actor felt a biopic on the sportswoman would be perfect for youngsters. “Sindhu’s parents – father PV Ramana and mother Vijaya – were professional volleyball players. While Vijaya was a national level player, Ramana was part of the Indian team that won the bronze at the 1986 Asian Games. Sindhu opted for and excelled in badminton, is an Arjuna Awardee and also a Padma Shri. So, I think a film like this will inspire youngsters, more so girls, to pursue their dream in sports and make the country proud,” he said.
While Deepika Padukone might be a likely choice, Sood insisted that the actress who would play Sindhu and the director are yet to be finalised, and will be announced soon.
Deepika was said to be in Saina Nehwal’s biopic, when it was recently announced that Shraddha Kapoor would play her instead. Interestingly, Saina had once said that if a biopic were to be made on her, she would like Deepika to play her because the actress is a badminton player herself.