Yesterday, character artist Delhi Ganesh launched his son Mahadevan Ganesh’s film Ennul Aayiram, under his production house Om Ganesh Creations. Ennul Aayiram, directed by Krishnakumar, is a romantic thriller starring Mahadevan Ganesh and Malayalam actress Marina Michael.
At the launch event, Delhi Ganesh said, “In my career, which spans 41 years, I have never had any PROs or managers scheduling my callsheets. Even today, I manage my callsheet and it was a conscious decision to not hold any press meets. Until now, I had never organised a press meet, and I do not know if my decision was right or wrong. But, I have received unanimous support from media persons, which I take as a blessing.”
Om Ganesh Creations was initially a theatre group owned by Delhi Ganesh. The group has staged plays throughout India including Kanpur, Ahmedabad, and other parts of North India. Delhi Ganesh’s wife had encouraged him to invest their savings on their son’s debut project, Ennul Aayiram.
Ennul Aayiram has music by Gopi Sundar. The film is set in Chennai, Pondicherry and Bangalore, and was shot in 50 days.