Dhanush recently walked out of an interview with a Telugu channel, after the anchor prodded him about his personal life. Talking about the incident to a newspaper, the actor blamed lack of sleep for his angry reaction.
“It was silly of me, I am generally a calm person, but I did react in a way I shouldn’t have. My intention was clear. I didn’t want to answer the question. But the strong reaction was unwarranted. Actually, I haven’t slept for two weeks since I was busy with my upcoming film. Looking back, I am also surprised at the way I reacted. I should have simply asked the journalist to move on to he next question,” he said.
In the TV interview, Dhanush, who is always guarded about his personal life, had insisted that they only talk about cinema. “If you ask me the capital of state, I might not know. I have made my world around cinema and I know cinema alone,” he’d said.
Dhanush had then stormed out when the anchor talked about his “alleged” involvement in the infamous Suchi Leaks case, and the “mental agony” he might have gone through.
“This is a really stupid interview,” he’d said, before taking off the mic.
Dhanush is currently gearing up for the release of his film Velaiyilla Pattathari 2, which is scheduled to release some time in August. Reprising his role as Raghuvaran from the first film, Dhanush will be seen alongside Kajol, Amala Paul, Samuthirakani, Vivek, and Saranya Ponvannan. The film is directed by Soundarya Rajinikanth, with music by Sean Roldan.