Actor Dhanush, who is riding on the success of the recently released Maari, is likely to team up with director Durai Senthilkumar, who made his industry debut with Ethirneechal. A Deccan Chronicle report claims that this untitled project might commence later this year, and will be set against a political backdrop. Dhanush, who has already produced two of Senthilkumar’s films under his banner Wunderbar Films, shares a good relationship with the director.
Dhanush has a number of films in the pipeline. He is currently shooting for VIP 2 with cinematographer turned director Velraj, as well as for Prabhu Solomon’s yet-untitled film. His project Vada Chennai with Vetri Maaran will go on floors from September and the actor will also act in Hindi director Anand L Rai’s next film.