Dhanush, who made his directorial debut with the recently released Pa Paandi has told the Times of India that he did not start the project to prove a point to anybody. He said, “I just wanted to tell a story. From the reaction that I am getting so far, I think I have done it well.” The movie has thus far been favourably received by critics and fans.
When asked about plans for a sequel to the film, which stars Raj Kiran and Revathy, Dhanush said he would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it. “I have an idea for Pa Pandi 2, but I don’t know when it will happen, or if it will happen at all. Right now, I am just enjoying this phase,” he said.
On the subject of being offered Hindi scripts to direct, Dhanush said he wasn’t in any hurry, and wanted to take things easy for the time being. He said, “Not just Hindi, but even a few Tamil films as well. When the right story finds me, I will announce my next. But I write almost every day.”
Dhanush is currently busy with director Vetrimaaran’s Vada Chennai and says he is extremely excited about the project. The sequel to VIP has also been completed and is ready to release soon. “There were certain elements in the first film — it spoke about the struggle of engineering graduates, the lead character rode a Luna, there was a dog called Harry Potter! The sequel will not have those elements, so the comparison won’t work in favour of VIP 2. But it has its own elements and I am sure it will be as as entertaining, exciting and successful as VIP,” he said.