Dhanush has lent his voice for the Telugu film Thikka starring Sai Dharam Tej. The track Thikka Baby is his first Telugu song, and it is also the first time he has sung a Thaman composition. A spokesperson for the actor said, “Dhanush took time off from the shoot of Vada Chennai, to sing this song for his good friend, Thaman. It is a peppy number, that has pan Indian appeal. All fans of Dhanush will appreciate the song.”
Music Composer Thaman tweeted a selfie with the actor, confirming the news.
@dhanushkraja sings for #Thikka title song @IamSaiDharamTej ❤️❤️❤️❤️? pic.twitter.com/n9pKnfJZjJ
— THAMAN SHIVAKUMAR (@MusicThaman) July 19, 2016
This was enough for a hashtag – ‘Dhanush Sings for Thikka’ to begin trending on social media. The audio of the film will be unveiled on 30 July, and Dhanush is expected to attend the event.
Much like his acting career, Dhanush’s introduction to singing too was accidental. In an interview with director Gautham Menon, Dhanush said, “I had no plans of singing at all. I was there at the right place, at the right time. When Yuvan asked me to sing my first song Naattu Sarakku, I thought it was a one off. But it became such a huge hit, and the rest is history.”
Dhanush’s songs (nearly 28 of them) have proved to be quite popular with Tamil youth. His Why This Kolaveri Di? with Anirudh Ravichander for Moonu, went on to be an international ‘viral’ hit. Despite his lack of musical training, the songs Dhanush sings have consistently turned out to be chartbusters prompting Gautham Menon to muse if the actor was ‘one of the highest paid playback singers’ in the country.