Dhanush’s ambitious project with director Vetrimaaran, titled Vada Chennai will go on floors in January 2016, confirmed the actor. He added that he will set aside 200 days just for the film. Samantha will be the female lead in this two-part gangster flick.
The shoot for both parts of the film is expected to be completed in seven months. The story will trace the life of Dhanush’s character over thirty years.
We also learnt that it was Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap who convinced Dhanush to make Vada Chennai in two parts. Santhosh Narayanan will be composing music for this film.
Vetrimaaran’sVisaranai, starring Attakathi Dinesh, is awaiting release. The film has already won critical acclaim, and has been selected for screening at the Venice International Film Festival. Meanwhile, Dhanush is currently shooting for Prabhu Solomon’s film, and will work next on Durai Senthilkumar’s movie in which he will be essaying a double role for the first time in his career.