Veteran Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar has been discharged from the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai after being admitted for a week. The 94-year-old actor had been suffering from dehydration and urinary problems, with doctors treating him for kidneys this past week.
According to an IANS report, the actor was seen in a wheelchair when he came out of the hospital. He was accompanied by his wife, Saira Banu.
Saira Banu even took to his Twitter account thanking the doctors who treated him.
Message from Saira Banu:
By the grace of Allah, Dilip Sahab is under the care of Dr. Nitin Gokhale, Dr. Arun Shah of Lilavati Hospital…1/— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) August 9, 2017
2/:and Sahab’s personal family physicians Dr. R.C. Sharma and Dr. S. Gokhale, along with the able input of Dr. S. D. Bapat…this excellent
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) August 9, 2017
3/ team has given the green signal to take Sahab home today.
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) August 9, 2017
4/ My gratitude to fans, friends for prayers, doctors for expert treatment, hospital staff n Sahab’s personal attendants for all the care.
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) August 9, 2017
The actor was admitted to the hospital on August 2 and until August 3, reports indicated that his condition had worsened. Some reports had even said that he had been put on ventilator support.
However, doctors treating him clarified that he had not been on ventilator support and neither was his condition unstable.
Feature Image: India Today