It’s raining biopics in Tollywood. Just as the industry is celebrating Mahanati, and casting is on for the biopic of NTR, the latest is that director Teja is planning a biopic on late actor Uday Kiran. From a steady rise to fame with three back-to-back hits at the start of his career, to eventually plummeting into oblivion and then committing suicide, Uday has been a talking point for long now. Notably, Teja is said to have registered the title Kaboye Alludu for the film, and everyone is wondering what the content of the film could be.
It is known that the highest point of Uday Kiran’s life was his engagement to Chiranjeeevi’s daughter Sushmita, when he had become the point of attention. Eventually, the wedding never happened due to unknown reasons and his career saw a steady decline with several projects cancelling, and other films failing to create an impact at the box office. And the title is being looked at as an indication to this episode of the film. At the time, buzz was that the mega family had orchestrated his downfall. It is to be seen if Teja will touch this part in the biopic.
Notably, Teja was the one who introduced Uday Kiran into the industry and even gave him several of his initial hits. He was also one of the few directors who tried to help the actor revive his career but things never fell into place for him. And the mystery surrounding Uday Kiran’s death still looms high on the industry that lost a young and talented actor due to what many see as a twist of fate.