Members of the Tamil Nadu Film Producers’ Council and FEFSI met yesterday to discuss the ongoing strike. At the end of the meeting, FEFSI president RK Selvamani, announced that he would call off the agitation meet planned for today in the city, but the strike will continue for two more days.
Addressing the media after the meet, RK Selvamani said, “The meeting was very positive. We had discussed everything about the issue in this meeting. We explained our stand clearly. As things look good, we have cancelled the agitation that we had planned in the city. But, the strike will continue for a couple of days. Because, every time we expect something to happen and call off the strike, nothing is sorted. So, this time, unless everything is on the document and signed by respective authorities, we will not call off the strike.”
Vishal said, “I thank FEFSI members for having come here for the meeting. This is the first round of talks. We will have to discuss and make a final decision, which we will announce soon.”
Meanwhile, FEFSI technicians are awaiting the end of the strike as workers, who are on daily wages, are missing out on their income. A FEFSI employee said, “Selvamani and his team are working hard for us. So, though we miss our income, we can wait as they are doing it for our welfare.”
Cinematographer Selvaraj said, “I have been a part of many sets, and I have witnessed the way these workers work; most of them work hard for around Rs 600 per day. In the last week, it would have amounted to a loss of around Rs 5,000 to them. Shooting cannot happen without the help of FEFSI employees. Producers do spend money on many lavish things, why hesitate to pay a worker? Actually, no such lengthy meetings are needed as the problem could be easily solved on humanitarian grounds. Telugu industry is generous that way. Even if it is a small budget film, and if it makes profit, they would call the daily wage workers and pay them extra money instead of throwing success parties. That’s why they are able to make films like Baahubali.”
The producers aside, FEFSI employees are having a hard time, too. “Over 10,000 workers lost their daily wages due to the strike for the past five days. We have lost close to Rs 5 crore due to the strike. But, we are striving hard for a better future of the employees and we have to bear the losses,” Angamuthu Shanmugam, general secretary, told Silverscreen.