FEFSI and the Tamil Nadu Producers Council (TNPC) have been locking horns over the wage issue for the past couple of weeks. Last night, director RK Selvamani officially announced that FEFSI members would go on strike from August 1. But, after the TNPC issued a statement last night expressing concern about the development, FEFSI members have called for an urgent meeting to take a call on the strike.
Ask Selvamani, FEFSI president, about the strike, and he says: “I’m meeting the members this afternoon regarding it. We will know the status only after 2 pm.”
Selvamani called for a truce with the Council on Sunday morning, but later in the day, FEFSI decided on the strike. TNPC expressed concern about the strike, but said it would continue to shoot without the support of FEFSI members. According to its press statement: “After stating that you wish to come to an understanding with the Council, it is sad that you still want to go ahead with the strike. We will continue to work without support from FEFSI members. We request members to not disrupt shoots. We are not against the members of FEFSI, but would like them to understand the plight of producers as well.”