Film maker Jayaprakash’s Lens has bagged the 19th Gollapudi National Film Award for Best Debut film. The film has been chosen from 33 nominations from around the country. The jury consists of legendary director Singeetham Sreenivasa Rao, Vasanth Sai and actress Rohini. The winner gets a prize money of Rs. 1.5 Lakh and a memento.
Lens is a multi-lingual film about the travails of Social Media. The film’s cinematography is done by SR Kathir and background music by Siddharth Vipin.
The Award was instituted in 1998 in memory of Gollapudi Srinivas, (son of actor Gollapudi Maruthi Rao) who lost his life while shooting for his maiden film Prema Pusthakam. The film was also the first film of actor Ajith Kumar in a leading role. There have been many notable recipients of this award in the past including Aamir Khan for Taare Zameen Par, Anusha Rizvi for Peepli Live, etc. The ceremony is held on the 12th of August every year.
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