All Kollywood film shootings scheduled for March 20 have been cancelled, due to the 62nd Annual General Body Meeting of the Nadigar Sangam, which will be held on that day.
The meeting is scheduled to take place at Loyola College’s auditorium at 2 pm. As per a request by the Nadigar Sangam, the Tamil Film Producers Council and FEFSI have announced that the shooting of all Tamil films will be cancelled on that day.
This is the first meeting of the Sangam after the election of the new office bearers in October 2015. The family members of late legendary actor PU Chinnappa will be felicitated at the meeting. A special video to mark his centenary year and an audio-visual on the Nadigar Sangam’s ongoing activities will be screened. A fully compiled directory of the members of the Nadigar Sangam will also be released. Apart from this, a new website for the Nadigar Sangam will be launched at the event.
With President Nasser presiding over the meeting, Vice-President Karunas will submit the annual report and the audited book of accounts for the year 2014-15. Treasurer Karthi will explain the financial plan, and General Secretary Vishal will talk about the welfare measures that will be taken up for the members of the organisation in the future.