The much delayed Gautham Menon film Enai Noki Paayum Thota, starring Dhanush and Megha Akash in the lead, got censored U/A. Said to be a romantic thriller, the film is produced by Madan of Escape Artists Motion Pictures along with Gautham Menon’s Ondraga Entertainment. The release date for the film is yet to be known. It was earlier scheduled for a Diwali release, but was postponed due to various reasons.
#EnaiNokiPaayumThota Censored U/A@dhanushkraja @akash_megha @DarbukaSiva @menongautham
— OndragaEntertainment (@OndragaEnt) February 15, 2019
According to a report by Times of India, the film’s delay was due to the financial issues faced by the team. In September last year, the director tweeted that the shoot for the film had finally wrapped. He shared pictures of the team cutting a cake with the words, ‘Happy Diwali 2018 ENPT’. The film is currently in its post production stage.
Some say that ENPT has been in the making for almost two years due to scheduling conflicts. At the end of August, Gautham Menon posted pictures of Sasikumar and Megha Akash in Mumbai, during a late night shoot, with a message that the film was in the final leg of shoot.
The film was officially launched in March 2016 and was scheduled to release a week after Valentine’s Day this year. But Menon began work on his other project Dhruva Natchathiram, and Dhanush had to shoot for his Hollywood film – The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir. The ENTP team resumed filming in December 2017.
The film’s songs released long back, and ‘Maruvaarthai Pesadhe’, ‘Visiri’, ‘Naan Pizhaippeno’, composed by Darbuka Siva, are already quite popular. Interestingly, Menon kept the identity of the music director a secret for a long time. Late last year he revealed that Darbuka Siva was the composer.