The Telugu-Tamil bilingual biopic movie Mahanati which is gaining many applauds after its release in the country has now received a negative remark. Gemini Ganesan’s daughter Dr Kamala Selvaraj watched the film recently, and is totally against the depiction of the late actor in the movie.
A report from The New Indian Express suggests that she said the film has defamed her late father. “The film leaves you wondering where the facts end and the fiction begins. It does gross injustice to all the children of Gemini Ganesan and has defamed our father. What has been shown on screen is a one-sided version that glorifies Savitri, and bluntly ignores many other aspects of her life,” she says.
The film which is directed by Tollywood director Nag Ashwin focuses on the life and times of the South Indian actress Savitri. Keerthy Suresh plays Savitri’s role, while as her counterpart Gemini Ganesan’s role is portrayed by Malayalam actor Dulquer Salman. Keerthy Suresh and Dulquer Salman have received positive comments for playing the two legendary actors on screen.
However, Dr Kamala feels that the makers have not researched and presented the film honestly. She has plenty of issues with the characterisation of her father. “My father didn’t influence Savitri to become an alcoholic. Also, Gemini Ganesan was a top actor, who was on par with MG Ramachandran and Sivaji Ganesan. But in the film, he is shown to be jobless and hanging around the sets of Savitri’s films all the time! There’s no mention of his fan-following in the film.”
The makers or the actors have not responded to the comments Dr Kamala Selvaraj has made. also acts in Nadigaiyar Thilagam. The film which released last week, also stars Samantha Akkineni and Vijay Devarakonda. Well, despite all the comments and criticism, the film seems to be performing well at the box-office.