Actor GV Prakash is reportedly trying to buy the rights of the recently released Telugu fantasy-horror film Ekkadiki Pothaavu Chinnavada. The film stars Nikhil Siddhartha, Nandita Sweta, and Hebah Patel, and became a hit in Telugu states, despite being released during the period of demonetisation. GV Prakash already has seven films scheduled to release next year,
“While GV Prakash has offered a huge sum, and is keen to buy the film’s Tamil remake rights as he feels it has a good market here, there are others who have shown interest too. Negotiations are on and the team in Hyderabad is trying to sell the film for a higher price. A similar offer has been made for Kannada as well. A decision will be taken soon,” a source told Deccan Chronicle.
Ekkadiki Pothaavu Chinnavada has made nearly Rs 24 crore with combined earnings from its theatres run, satellite rights, and remake rights.
TGV Prakash made his Kollywood debut in Kollywood with Darling, a remake of the Telugu horror film Prema Katha Chitram.
GV Prakash, arguably the busiest actor in Kollywood today, has a number of projects scheduled for next year. The actor has Adangathey by director Shanmugam Muthusamy, 4G directed by Venkat Pakkar, a film with Pandiraj, a film directed by Sasi where he acts alongside Siddharth, and a film with director Rambala.