Harshvardhan Kapoor, who is currently shooting for Vikramaditya Motwane’s Bhavesh Joshi, has opted out of his next project with Sriram Raghavan. According to reports, Harshvardhan was not able to commit dates for the project as he has to undergo special training for his role as a vigilante in Motwane’s film. Sriram’s film has Tabu in the lead cast, and is about a musician who pretends to have a visual impairment.
A source told DNA, “Sriram was keen to cast Harsh for his film and he was to start it after the Mirzya actor completed shooting for Vikramaditya Motwane’s Bhavesh Joshi. But in between Motwane’s shoot, Sriram wanted to shoot a 10-day schedule for his own film as he was getting restless. But as all dates were with Motwane and Harsh had committed to them earlier, the actor could not do it.”
Harshvardhan is currently filming Bhavesh Joshi, directed by Vikramaditya Motwane and produced by Anurag Kashyap. The film is about a Gujarati boy who has been blessed with superpowers. The film also stars actress Radhika Apte.
According to the source, Sriram Raghavan came up with the idea of Harsh doing a workshop for his film while shooting for Bhavesh Joshi. Harsh was unable to commit as Bhavesh Joshi has numerous action sequences, for which Harsh was already undergoing special training. Harsh plays a vigilante in the film, and was learning a special type of taekwondo called Makgic Burat for the role. When he realised it would be difficult to juggle shooting and workshops for both films, he told Raghavan that he would be only be able to give dates in 2017.
“Sriram could not wait any more and met Harsh’s father Anil Kapoor to discuss the date dilemma. As no solution was in sight, Harsh decided to bow out from the film. Sriram asked them if they were fine with him approaching someone else and they gave him the go ahead. Now, Sriram is hunting for another hero so he can start his film early next year,” said the source.
Sriram Raghavan has previously directed Ek Hasina Thi and Agent Vinod, as well as last year’s Badlapur.
Feature Image Courtesy: Mid-Day