A hotel booking was reportedly made under Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela’s name using an Aadhaar card holding her name and a fake UIDAI number. According to PTI News, this incident was noticed on March 27 when Rautela was approached by the hotel she had visited for an event.
Further investigation revealed that a room was booked online in the same hotel by an unidentified person using a fake Aadhaar card. The hotel is said to be a grand one located in suburban Bandra.
Rautela since filed a complaint with the Bandra police, a case under Indian Penal Code sections 420 (cheating), 468 (forgery) has been registered against the unidentified person. An official said that a probe is underway.
She is best known for her roles in films like Great Grand Masti and Hate Story 4. She was crowned Miss Diva-2015 and had represented India at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant.