Hrithik Roshan has a role specially written for him in Vikram Phadnis’ debut Marathi film, Hrudayantar. The director said, “Hrithik is not lending his name in any other way other than being a part of the film. Sometimes frames cross the lines of being an actor and Hrithik was one of them who motivated the making of this film not only in terms of being a part of it, but also giving it the mounting it needed for regional cinema.”
Phadnis told DNA that the role was scripted specifically with Hrithik in mind, “I could not have replaced him with any other actor. Only he could have done this role. It was written specially for him and he has done full justice to it.”
Vikram plans to show the film to Hrithik once he is ready with the final product. “He is a part of team Hrudayantar and he would be among the first to see the film with the entire team,” he said.