Vikram’s I has not yet finished shooting. The director of the mega budget flick Shankar revealed yesterday that they were planning on shooting a song after the film’s audio release next week. We hear that the makers have spent crores on a lavish set in Chennai, made specially for this particular track and that filming will begin after the fifteenth of this month. The motion poster for the film was launched on Thursday evening and has been particularly well received by the public. Producer Aascar Ravichandran is planning a star studded event to release the soundtrack with everyone from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rajinikanth to Kannada star Puneeth Rajkumar making an appearance.
Vikram and Amy Jackson star in I, alongside Ramkumar, Suresh Gopi and Upen Patel. AR Rahman has composed the music while current sensation Anirudh Ravichandran has crooned for a track. Shankar and his team are working very hard to make sure the film will release this Deepavali.