The upcoming historical period drama Mamangam has opened up Prachi Tehlan’s path to the Malayalam film industry. The movie, the actor says, holds a special place in her heart. While recalling her last few days on the sets of the historical, the actor was nostalgic.
“I still remember the last day of my shoot. My scenes were completed, but the crew was still busy shooting a sequence with Mammooka,” she recalled, adding, “I met everyone, hugged them, and left. But, I was so overcome while leaving because I was hit with memories of the last year. It has been quite a journey for me. I have made new friends, had to shoot fight sequences, all of the emotions of being a newcomer to this industry.”
Prachi said that it was her co-star Sudev who told her to be happy about the memories that were made during the making of this movie. Prachi also said that she messaged Mammootty before leaving. She spoke of leaving with a heavy heart, so much so that the hotel she was staying at gave her a room with a view of Unnimaya’s (her character in the movie) house.
Mamangam, which is directed by M Padmakumar and written by Sajeev Pillai is scheduled to release on November 21.
Also read, Mammootty Dubs For ‘Mamangam’ In Ancient Tamil; Director Ram Has Penned The Dialogues