Superstar Rajinikanth’s much awaited film Kaala will finally hit the screens on Thursday and just like his other releases, this one too is in for a grand welcome by his fans. Thalaivar fans across India are getting busy for the customary paal abishegam, painting their cars, rushing for the 4 am tickets. A few fans in Mumbai have decided to walk barefoot from a temple in Wadala to pray for the film’s success while an IT firm in Kochi have declared tomorrow (June 7) a holiday.
This is the first big-budget Tamil film to hit the theatres after the crippling 48-day strike and distributors and theatre owners have big hopes from this Rajinikanth-starrer. A day before the release, theatres across Chennai are busy putting up life-size posters of Rajinikanth and Kaala. After all, this week it’s the only film to release in Tamil Nadu.
As always, the frenzy around the Rajinikanth film needs to be seen to be believed.
Here are some pictures of the scene outside Chennai’s Albert theatre:
Outside Rohini theatre
Outside Jothi Cinema Hall
Preparations outside Kasi Theatre