Bollywood actress Isha Koppikar, who was part of many popular Tamil films in the 90s, is making a comeback to Kollywood through filmmaker R Ravikumar’s next project, the shoot of which began today. The film, a bilingual, has Sivakarthikeyan playing the male lead, and is produced by 24 AM Studios. The film also stars Rakul Preet Singh and Bhanupriya. Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman is also part of the project.
with all ur blessings&support we have started our dream bilingual Project @siva_kartikeyan in @Ravikumar_Dir directorial & Our Proud Academy Award winning @arrahman musical Shoot Starts Today along with Pooja?? Bless & Support us??@Rakulpreet #ishagopikar #Banupriya #yogibabu
— 24AM STUDIOS® (@24AMSTUDIOS) June 27, 2018
Forty-one-year-old Koppikar has appeared in films in languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and Marathi, apart from Tamil. She rose to fame in Kollywood through En Swasa Kaatre (1999) in which she starred alongside Arvind Swami. She starred in hit songs such as ‘Thirakaadha’ and ‘Kaadhal Niagara’ in the film.
Sivakarthikeyan is currently working in director Ponram’s Seema Raja. He has also signed on director Rajesh’s next, produced by Studio Green. Actress Nayanthara, who was his co-star in Velaikkaran, plays the female lead in this project too.