After their recent collaboration with Miruthan, actor Jayam Ravi and director Shakti Soundar Rajan will team up for another film. The film will be produced by J Selvakumar of Kenanya Films banner. Both Ravi and Shakti Soundar Rajan tweeted to confirm the news on Monday.
Happy to work with @ShaktiRajan again for the untitled project produced by @selva_kenanya #godbless
— Jayam Ravi (@actor_jayamravi) March 7, 2016
Happy to share my next ‘UNTITLED’ is with @actor_jayamravi and produced by @selva_kenanya !!
— Shakti Soundar Rajan (@ShaktiRajan) March 7, 2016
Miruthan, the first Tamil zombie film was well received by audiences. The film ended on a note that suggested a sequel would be likely. We await confirmation on whether the second collaboration will be at a sequel. We await confirmation on whether this project will be a sequel or an entirely different story.