After a two-year break from cinema, Tamil and Telugu actor Jithan Ramesh will be seen as a lead in the upcoming film Ongala Podanum Sir, by the director duo RL Ravi and Srijith. The film stars five debut actors Sanuja Somnath, Jonitha, Anu Nair, Parichitha and Vaishali also in the lead. Manobala and Kalloori Vinoth have supporting roles.
The title of the film is inspired by Nayanthara’s famous dialogue in Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, and it is said to be an adult horror comedy. The directors reportedly told ToI, “The story is based on eight youngsters, four male and four female, who stay together in a place for a job. There, different kind of problems and circumstances arise for them. How these youngsters face those problems forms the main story.”
About choosing to make an ‘adult comedy’, director Ravi told Cinema Express, “Sex is a part of all our lives. But there aren’t many films that talk about it in India. I believe most of the sexual crimes happen only because we consider it a taboo.”
“Ongala Podanum Sir will be an adult entertainer which talks about sex in a hilarious way. It also has enjoyable horror sequences,” he said. Stills from the film released recently.
Music is by Reji Mon, and lyrics by Murugan Manthiram. SelvaKumar is the cinematographer, Vishnu Narayanan is the editor. Stunts and choreography is by Fire Karthik and Sri Selvi.
Post-production work is complete. The film is expected to release in March.
Jithan, who made his debut in the 2005 film Jithan, the supernatural thriller by Vincent Selva, was last seen in the sequel of the film. Jithan 2 starred him with Srushti Dange in the lead. It was in production for three years and released in April 2016. It was dubbed as Pizza 3 (2018) in Telugu.
Jithan is actor Jiiva’s brother and the son of the film producer RB Choudary. In 2014, he produced Jilla with his father, and made a special appearance in the film. Jilla starred Mohanlal, Vijay and Kajal Aggarwal in the lead.