Veteran filmmaker K Bhagyaraj wants the film industry to concentrate first on making better films, and better stories, before trying to combat video piracy. Maalai Malar reported that Bhagyaraj spoke at the music release function of Roja Maaligai, and said that video piracy may account for only 10% of the losses faced by filmmakers. Further into the speech, he drew a comparison between film piracy and Pakistani terrorists, saying that the terror attacks aren’t as frequent or as damaging as the problems caused by local politicians. Similarly the problem with the film industry is less external forces, and more internal causes.
In the speech, Bhagyaraj commented that films like Maanagaram, 8 Thottakal, etc., are running successfully, not because they have big heroes or well known names, but because the stories themselves are engaging and relevant. He hoped that the newly-elected executive council of the Tamil Nadu Film Producers Council would understand the problems faced by filmmakers, and address them effectively. Bhagyaraj also joked that they haven’t won the elections out of love, but rather to address specific issues, and to give them a chance, since no one else has tried it before.
The actor-director requested that theatres give films with new actors a better screening slot – evenings. Films with debutant actors are usually screened early mornings, when the viewing public are absent, while established stars and big names get the prime time evening slots. He declared that hard-core fans of big heroes will see a film with their stars, even if it is the morning slot. So switching the times around will help new stars find their foothold in the industry.
Roja Maaligai is produced and directed by Goutham, and features Amaren and Soumya in lead roles. The film’s music is by Leo. The film also features stars Urvashi, Aadukalam Naren, Nizhalgal Ravi in supporting roles.
Meanwhile, K Bhagyaraj will appear in Mysskin’s Thupparivalan, which features Vishal, Andrea Jeremiah and others.