Hrithik Roshan and Yami Guatam’s Kaabil has been leaked online, according to reports. An India Today report found that the movie is presently available on several sites. A Bengaluru based company Airplex Software Pvt Ltd has been roped in to fix the damage by taking down pirated copies of the movie from the Internet.
Rakesh Roshan, the producer of the movie said, “Unethical practises that are killing the movie business can stop only when those perpetrating these illegal activities understand the gravity of their misdeeds and realize how damaging piracy is to our movie-making business. Unless they realize what they are doing, piracy is unstoppable.”
Kaabil has opened to mixed reviews and is doing reasonably well at the box-office thus far. The Sanjay Gupta directorial also stars Ronit Roy and Rohit Roy in pivotal roles.