Rajinikanth’s highly anticipated film Kabali has passed the censor test with flying colours. The film has been issued a ‘U’ certificate by the censor board, with a running time of 152 minutes. The censor screening took place at BOFTA Institute’s preview theatre in Kodambakkam, Chennai.
The ‘U’ certificate is what most filmmakers aim for in Tamil Nadu. In addition to allowing anybody of any age to watch the film, the certificate also ensures a 30 % tax exemption as per the state government.
Minutes after the news of Kabali‘s ‘U’ certificate was announced, producer ‘Kalaipuli’ S Thanu, announced that the film’s official worldwide release is 22 July, quashing rumours that it was slated to release on 12 August.
#Kabali will be releasing worldwide on 22 July 2016 !! We couldn’t be more excited @superstarrajini@beemji 🙂 pic.twitter.com/HOll88EzuU
— Kalaippuli S Thanu (@theVcreations) July 11, 2016
With less than two weeks to go for Kabali’s release, the excitement since the release of the trailer in May, has grown considerably. The film will release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi on 22 July, while its Malay release will be on 29 July.
Directed by Pa Ranjith of Madras fame, Kabali features Rajinikanth in a role where he plays his age for the first time, as a crime boss named Kabaliswaran. The film’s shooting was mostly done in Malaysia and its cast includes Bollywood actress Radhika Apte, Dhansika of Paradesi fame, and Taiwanese actor Winston Chao.