The shoot of director Pa Ranjith’s upcoming film Kabali will commence on Vinayaga Chathurthi – September 17, at Chennai Airport. The first schedule of the movie will go on for a week, and then, the team will head to Malaysia to shoot some important scenes. The shooting of Kabali was supposed to begin sometime in August, but was postponed due to several reasons.
An official photoshoot took place in mid-August at AVM Studios. According to reports, the team is planning to reveal the first look photo before the shooting kick-starts. Also, a leaked photo from the photoshoot with Rajinikanth in Salt-N-Pepper look were doing the rounds on Twitter.
Kabali, produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu, is about an ageing don, played by actor Rajinikanth. Radhika Apte, Dhansika, Kalaiarasan and Attakathi Dinesh form the the supporting cast of Kabali. Reportedly, actor Prakash Raj is not a part of the movie, and the team is in talks with actor John Vijay for the role.