Lyricist Kabilan Vairamuthu, in a recent award function in Chennai, said that he is scared of a future where liquor bottles are given along with school books to children.
“We are witnessing so many bad things right now. And for many of these incidents, liquor is to blame. I wrote Yenthiru Anjali Yenthiru because I was afraid of the future. I am scared that if we let this situation escalate, they will hand out liquor bottles along with academic text books to our kids.”
Kabilan said that the team behind Yenthiru Anjali Yenthiru faced a lot of difficulties during its release. “There were many difficulties in releasing the song. Many interpreted it as a song against the Government when in reality, it was a song against alcohol consumption. We learnt so many such lessons in this journey.”
The lyricist also alleged that some political parties have decided against supporting a ban on liquor during upcoming election campaigns.
He said: “We have heard that few political parties have decided not to talk against liquor during the upcoming election campaigns. Someone has suggested to them to avoid bringing up this topic as they feel that people will not vote for them if they raise slogans about shutting down wine shops. In order to change this situation, more efforts must be taken by the public. Today, there are so many young people who fight for various rights across the state. They should never be isolated. They need a stage. They need the media. We must take efforts to recognize their good work so that they are energised to do more.”
Watch the song here: