The makers of the forthcoming family entertainer Kadaikutty Singam have released the trailer of the film, which is currently doing rounds on social media. Starring Karthi in the lead, the movie is produced by Suriya’s 2D Entertainments.
Going by the trailer, ‘Kadaikutty Singam’ looks like an out and out rural entertainer. From the video it is pretty clear that Karthi is a hard-working farmer with deep-rooted sentiments and intense family emotions. The one-minute-seven second trailer gives you a quick feeler, without revealing much.
The story revolves around a farmer (Karthi), who takes pride about his profession. And if there’s something he loves more than getting his legs dirty in the fields, it is his family. The trailer starts off with Karthi addressing a group of people, telling them what a proud profession farming is. This is followed by a series of farming scenes, set amidst a quaint, village backdrop. The second half is pacy and packed with sword fights and other high-octane stunts. The trailer also features Sayyeshaa Saigal, Sathyaraj, Bhanupriya, and Soori.
‘Kadaikutty Singam’ is a fast-paced family entertainer backed with D Imman’s music. The movie is scheduled to release this year.
Watch the trailer here: