In a first for any actress from the South Indian film industry, Kajal Aggarwal has been “waxed” at Madamme Tussauds in Singapore. Apart from her, the other wax statues of South Indian actors on display are of Telugu superstars Mahesh Babu and Prabhas.
Kajal joins a long line of Indian celebrities who have their statues at the famous wax museum. The statue was unveiled today in Singapore in the presence of the actress and her family.
Posing with an amazingly lifelike likeness of herself, the actress was all smiles for the cameras. Calling the resemblance to her “uncanny” in her social media handle, the actress was gushing with praise for the honour received, as well as for the work involved in the making of the statue.
Deeply humbled and ecstatic to be honoured, standing amongst global icons. Feels like I'm seeing
myself through the eyes of an artist 😍 The resemblance is uncanny and the attention to detail is spectacular.— Kajal Aggarwal (@MsKajalAggarwal) February 5, 2020