Encouraged by the positive response to Rajinikanth’s Kabali, producer Kalaipuli S Thanu has hinted at a possible sequel to the film. In an interview to Forbes, Thanu said that the film has performed beyond his expectations at the box-office and he is planning to reunite with director Pa Ranjith for Kabali 2. However he did not mention if the sequel will star Rajinikanth.
The climax of Kabali is open-ended. In a recent interview to Tamil media, Thanu had mentioned that both Ranjith and himself were interested in the sequel and were waiting for Rajinikanth’s nod for the project.
Sources close to the film unit say that the Thanu and Ranjith would team up again for a film, but it is still unclear if it would be a sequel to Kabali with Rajinikanth in it. It may also be a totally different film with a leading actor, said a source.
Reported to have been made on a budget of Rs 80 crore, Kabali raked in around Rs 200 crore from its pre-release business. Though mixed to negative reviews poured in, the film reportedly collected around 70 crores on the first day of theatrical release. In India, the film is said to have collected Rs 39.1 crore on the release day,surpassing Salman Khan-starrer Sultan’s opening day record of Rs 36 crore.