Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, actor, producer, and grandson of veteran actor NTR, will feature in director Jayendra’s next Telugu film. Veteran cinematographer PC Sreeram is also on board the project.
Announcing the news on social media, Kalyan Ram said that the film would be a romantic comedy.
Thrilled to be associated with this dream team. #NKR15 is a romcom that’ll be directed by @JayendrasPOV, with cinematography by @pcsreeram
— Kalyanram Nandamuri (@NANDAMURIKALYAN) May 22, 2017
Speaking to the Times of India, Jayendra said, “This is Kalyan’s 15th film. We have shortlisted three girls for the heroine’s role, and we will be finalising the cast in the coming days.” Jayendra’s last film Nootrenbadhu or 180 starred Siddharth, Priya Anand, and Nithya Menon.
Nootrenbadhu‘s music director Sharreth will compose the music. The film is set to go on floors in July this year. Provisionally titled NKR15, Kalyan Ram is likely to bankroll the project under his banner NTR Arts.
Feature Image: Telugu 360