Actor Kamal Haasan, who is riding high on the success of his recently released film Papanasam, is likely to work with director-producer Lingusamy once again. A Times of India report confirmed that this project will be a comedy entertainer. According to sources, director Singeetam Srinivasa Rao of Micheal Madana Kamarajan fame is in talks to helm this film, and the team is busy finalizing the cast and crew.
It is also said that actor Kamal Haasan decided to do a movie with producer Lingusamy after the average performance of Uttama Villain – which happened to be the duo’s first project together. At the audio launch of Uttama Villain, Kamal Haasan called Lingusamy his “brother”.
Currently, the actor is busy shooting for Thoongaavanam, a thriller directed by his associate Rajesh M Selva. This film stars Trisha, Madhu Shalini, Asha Sarath, Kishore, Sampath and Yugi Sethu in important roles.