Kamal Haasan has just announced financial aid of Rs 1 crore to the kin of artistes who died in the accident on Indian 2 sets. Those fatally injured include Assistant Director, Krishna (34), Production Assistant Madhu (29) and Art Assistant Chandran (60).
“This amount is not enough for those who have lost their loved ones,” he said, “Accidents do not differentiate between rich and poor. I don’t want to discuss this today, but I would have also joined them (pointing inside the hospital). I was very close. Just four seconds before that the director walked ahead. The actress and I were very close by. Every single employee in the film industry must have insurance. What is the point of movies making 100, 200 crores if our people don’t have safety and insurance?”
#Breaking | @ikamalhaasan announces compensation for the victims of the freak accident on the set of his film ‘Indian 2’.
‘It wasn’t the crew, my family was hurt’, says Kamal Haasan.TIMES NOW’s Shilpa Nair with details. pic.twitter.com/sh2QSGvKeZ
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) February 20, 2020
The actor paid homage to the deceased at the hospital in Kilpauk.
Actor #KamalHaasan announces he will be giving Rs 1 crore to the families of the deceased
‘There are accidents waiting to happen & we should make sure they don’t’
A D V E R T I S E M E N T‘Am not looking at this as an accident that happened in Lyca Productions but in my own family#Indian2Accident pic.twitter.com/EylEkXznOb
— Smitha T K (@smitha_tk) February 20, 2020
The accident on the sets of Shankar’s Indian 2 last night around 9.30 pm left three dead and nine injured. A crane on which a heavy duty light was mounted came crashing killing three. Atleast nine were injured. The crew of the Kamal Haasan film was in EVP Film City in Nazarathpet.